
weather / ass report

The five day forecast here in Austin today went something like this: 99, 98, 98, 99, 99.

It’s a “dry heat” which means that it feels almost exactly like you have been placed into an oven.

But I like it. In general I prefer cold to hot - I long for big snowstorms and brisk nights, and in the winter I sleep with lots of blankets and the windows open. But sometimes in summer I find room to love the heat. It feels therapeutic and cleansing. Texas heat bakes your skin, and crackles your hair, and dries your lungs. It is more alert and sudden and sexy than the cold.

For my first few days in the heat, though, I feel sluggish. I decided to beat that this morning by joining La for her weekly Friday workout with Robert, personal trainer and former Philadelphia Eagle. We left for the gym at 6:15.

I have never worked out with a personal trainer. It was actually pretty fun and not at all what I expected. In a single hour we did twenty different activities in rapid alternating fire – lunges, squats, lunges, weight lifting, crunches, lunges. It didn’t feel so bad when it was all happening. Robert distracted us with music and movie trivia and his startling good looks, and I kept thinking Why isn’t he pushing us?

And then we came back home, and I lay down on the bed to read a magazine and couldn’t get up, and so I slept for three hours. And now I am awake but way, way too aware of my ass. My ass. Is very. Sore.


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