
Big Fucking Flake

That is what I’ve become: a Big Fucking Flake. In my ordinary life I pride myself on not being a flake, but here I am late to work and missing my friend’s birthday and ignoring emails and not blogging for a week, and when I went to save this entry I was two days off on the date.

Because first of all, it is spring. And second, there’s this boy. There’s a small possibility these things are related.

Now then. (1) This is not some sort of Boy Blog and furthermore (2) said boy reads this blog. So I’m going to keep this short and vague.

Latest Boy Disaster resurfaced last weekend. (How original!) He got the appropriate I Fucked Up script from Boy Central, and delivered it in a rather earnest and convincing manner. But did I mention Latest Boy Disaster has messy hair? And what is a girl to do?

This Girl, anyway, decided, against her better judgment, which isn’t all that sharp to begin with, to ignore the obvious Big Red Flags, and to turn down a date with Celia's regular Danny Concannon, and to give it One More Go. One More Go only, after which an army of This Girl’s friends are poised to stage a swift and forceful intervention.

In the mean time, This Girl is, with a sort of skeptical abandon, enjoying a boy who, so far (this time around), feels just like spring ought to feel.


At 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't "skeptical abandon" an oxymoron? Isn't "a sort of skeptical abandon" definitely an oxymoron? Isn't it a bit telling that you're qualifying "a boy who feels just like spring ought to feel" with "so far (this time around)"? Don't you realize that you're supposed to capitalize "Spring"? Especially when it's this magnificent Portland Spring?!

Who lacks the gusto "this time around" - you or Latest Boy Disaster? (I shall refrain from pointing out the ridiculousness of dating someone dubbed Latest Boy Disaster.)

Do you really want to date an HBO star?

If you're going to go for it one more time (and one more time ONLY), you might as well go for it. No sense in holding back.

(One final note: you MUST have figured this out by now: Danny Concannon and all those similar are always there. If this time ONLY turns out being short-lived, there are plenty of dates to be found, the first time around, or perhaps when Furious Angels bring someone else back to you (though I would imagine that you'd have an even greater skeptical "abandon" with them).)

At 11:19 PM, Blogger tortaluga said...

your intrablog cross-referencing is a lively mix of endearing and crazy.

have you considered not reading my blog?

At 8:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i made a nice flake for you. then i made many more for myself for the flakies that have accrued since the spring hit. I'm so flakish i've lost the password to my blog.

that particular HBO star was pretty hot... and often good things come after Disasters... but sometimes so do armies :)

At 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did he bring flowers? I brought flowers.

- The One Guy

At 4:23 PM, Blogger We are the summer masters. said...

I'm not even going to comment.

At 5:38 PM, Blogger Kira Marx said...

Um, okay.



P.S. - Aerin is walking.

At 8:33 PM, Blogger Waan said...

What proportion of your readership has been or currently is romantically involved with you? You should start a separate blog for your exes/currents/former-exes/crushes/various-hangers-on/masseuses/cute-whatevers.

At 1:02 PM, Blogger tortaluga said...

wow, that is officially the comment i have most ever wanted to delete. but i don't delete comments unless they contain links to viagra.

would you mind adding a link to viagra?

At 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe if you just mix up a few letters of the last gigantor hyphenated word thing "various-hangers-on" you can pick out the word Viagra.

this might allow you to delete the comment.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Waan said...

Didn't mean any offense. I'd gotten the impression that there were various exes you didn't want reading Strike That ... thus they might be directed to a less-revealing online version of your life. But I'll stop trying to track who's who and keep my comments to myself. And hopefully I won't get directed to said blog myself.

At 9:06 AM, Blogger La said...

For the record, I have never dated, nor have I wanted to date, This Girl.

After all, I've been faithfully married to Moses for like a billion years.



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