ten facts getting me through humpday
one. When, in my last year of grad school, people would ask What do you want to do next? I would answer Well, I’d most of all like to work for the City of Portland.two. I work in the Portland Building. It has no natural light and I can hear about a hundred people’s private conversations, but these are the sacrifices we make for an Icon of Postmodern Architecture. Also I have a little badge that gets me through secret doorways, into break rooms, out of stairwells, and down to the garage.
three. I can wear my Docs to work.
four. Yesterday I drove over the spectacular St. John’s Bridge in a city car. On the side it said City of Portland, The City That Works. I rolled the windows down and turned the radio up.
five. No one else around here has a design background. Last week my boss handed me an illegible public survey and said, Can you make this look good?
six. My Bureau is taking part in the Bike Commute Challenge month, and the past two years we beat the Department of Transportation. Take That!
seven. For said Bike Commute Challenge, one biker brings in a treat to share each day of the month. Today was my day. I brought graham crackers, marshmallow fluff, and chocolate frosting: office s’mores. I made several new friends.
eight. Last week I got sent to a training workshop in contaminant chemistry. I learned about why contaminants act like they do. Why, for example, a dry cleaning solvent spill might require vapor extraction but will not be a threat to groundwater. Ten years out of a bio major I used organic chemistry for the first time ever.
nine. There are big cool maps on my cubicle walls, of things like Portland Public Schools and Contaminated Sites in the Willamette Greenway and Neighborhood Associations. I fucking love maps.
ten. I have a new hardhat. And a vest.
is it wrong to say how frigging cute you are in the hardhat? I expect it will soon be uniquely decorated - identifiable by everyone in the city as *yours*.
Also? Office smores? no kidding on the making of new friends.
I love maps too, but you already knew that. We should spend a weekend map hunting.
Also, does the City of Portland give contaminated-man classes? Cause I'd like to know why they act the way they do. Maybe you could add it to your next meeting agenda.
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