

I find when I’m overwhelmed with inappropriate self pity, it’s a good idea to reorient myself by helping people whose lives actually suck. Last night I went to a volunteer training for a program that would allow me to do this.

After two hours of orientation, we were asked to do the meet-the-person-next-to-you exercise. I opened by asking Berg about his family, and he gleefully began describing his two small children.

We were then asked to come up front and introduce our partners. This is Berg, I started. He lives on the coast with his wife and kids, and he found out about this program from a friend. I continuted for a while, then he introduced me, and we sat down.

A few minutes later we were listening to another pair’s introductions when Berg leaned in to me and whispered, No wife, by the way.

Pardon? I whispered back.

It was a nice introduction you gave me, but I don’t have a wife. Just two children. He smiled a smile that said more than I’d learned already.

And don’t you worry your pretty little heads about this, friends: I’m full up, for the moment, on the divorced / kids / long distance combo plate. In any case I’m not interested just now in dating anyone at all.

But I’m thinking that, though I miss Operaman something awful, and though I have certain considerable concerns about finding someone else so simpatico, the meeting people thing itself will not be the problem.


At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, Tortaluga: meeting people comes easily to YOU. It's one of your admirable qualities, and I find I must remind you of that; many of us struggle with this part. Which is why it is such a shame whenever you jump from one relationship to another (which all too often have the obvious hallmarks of disaster or non-committal written all over them). So I'm thrilled that you're committed to taking it easy this time, your natural disposition and ease with fortuitous encounters notwithstanding. I'm cheering for you!

At 2:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always wondered whether Operaman knows about/reads the blog.

At 4:12 PM, Blogger tortaluga said...

anon the first: it's true, i like meeting new people and it comes pretty easily. and it's also true that i'm much less good at discerning which of these people it makes good sense for me to date. partly cause sometimes the least sensible ones are the most fun. disaster, of all people, once told me (and i'm paraphrasing here, but not by much) that the best thing i could do for myself would be to stop dating wusses.

anon the second: operaman knows about the blog, but doesn't read it. he found it when we started dating and actually apologized to me for coming across it. my feeling is, if i'm putting it on the internet then i'm accepting that it's public, and i told him he was welcome to read it. he thought that would be invasive and he didn't read it anymore.

At 12:35 PM, Blogger tortaluga said...

"ease with fortuitous encounters notwithstanding" - i like that phrase a whole lot.


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