
these people need sleep

Me: Hi, I'm calling to sign up for the Thursday morning shift at Church A.

Red Cross Worker: OK, let me just go get the folder for Thursday. So you want to work the first shift on Thursday?

Me: No, I think it’s the third shift, from five in the morning to eight thirty, Thursday morning.

RC: Oh, well so you realize that actually that’s on Friday morning.

Me: OK, well, I’m available to volunteer on Thursday morning.

RC: (growing frustrated) But you see, the Thursday shifts start on Thursday night, so the shift you’re talking about is actually on Friday.

Me: Yes, I understand, but I’m available on Thursday morning. So I guess what I’m trying to sign up for is Wednesday Shift Three.

RC: (exasperated) Oh, well then I’ll have to get the Wednesday folder. Hold on.


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